Saturday, May 16, 2009

Destiny's Creations Packaging

When I buy something part of the shopping experience for me, is the packaging. Of course you buy for content, but beautiful packaging also makes you feel special as though you have bought yourself a present (and anyone who knows me knows I love presents - it could be the simplest thing). It's the reason I go to Nordstrom for moisturizer versus going to Macy's. I love their shopping bags.

I have been wanting to photograph my packaging for some time, but had not yet had the chance. Yesterday, while working on a custom order for a wedding I took the time to photograph the packaging just before shipping my order.

It is my wish that when my customer's shop from me, they are pleased not only with my jewelry, but also the presentation.


Nicola said...

Oooh that is gorgeous! Hope it's displayed as one of your listing pictures, the packaging alone would make me more likely to buy :)
Nic xx

Janice said...

Thank you Nic!! :)

I started to use it as on ef my listings pics immediately!


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