Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My first blog!!! Hello World!!!

Hello World-

This will be a short blog since it's pretty late and I have to get up early in the morning and go to work. This is my first blog on blogger...I have blogged on other sites before and figured I would give blogger a try since it seems that so many of my fellow Etsy sellers use Blogger.

My shop has been open for a week and I have been adding my jewelry creations on a daily basis.
Please bare with me as I try to figure out if anyone will respond to this blog or if this is just a collection of my late night thoughts...it feels at times as though blogs have replaced diaries! Over the next few days I will be learning the ropes on blogger & hope to meet & greet with other bloggers.

I welcome you all to simply say hello & introduce yourself! Have a wonderful night.


Beat Black said...

your off to a really great start with your blog, cant wait to see more

PAC said...

Hey there! I also sell on Etsy and wanted to say hello! Your jewellery is lovely and your blog is looking good!


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